LinkedIn Profile Optimize Package

Having a LinkedIn profile is essential, yes but having an optimized one makes a huge difference in successfully reaching your goals in Canada. In this Optimized Package of our LinkedIn Services, our LinkedIn professionals will audit your existing LinkedIn profile and optimize it strategically based on your career, personal brand, and LinkedIn profile goals.


LinkedIn Profile Optimize Package


Here is what’s included in our Optimize package…

  • Conduct a thorough audit of your existing profile (applicable only to those who already have an existing LinkedIn profile).
  • Do a revamp of the whole profile by filling in all the missing parts in the profile (applicable only to those who already have an existing LinkedIn profile).
  • Detailed analysis and recommendations for your profile picture to help choose a professional profile and background picture that would communicate that you’re friendly and trustworthy.
  • Create a relevant custom LinkedIn profile URL, one that will be memorable and look great on your business cards.
  • Write a 5-second pitch headline and tell them in a couple of words what best describes your personal brand.
  • Write a summary to highlight your professional achievements and interests, and mention everything you’re proud of (200-300 characters).
  • Provide a detailed description of your job responsibilities and accomplishments for each of your previous roles.
  • Add your skills and endorsements and mention all your licenses and certifications (if applicable).
  • Guidance on asking your current and previous colleagues to share their feedback about your work in order to request recommendations (if applicable).
  • Guidance on getting a skills assessment certification on LinkedIn.
  • Guidance on how to get through the process of getting endorsement for your skills from other professionals in your network (if applicable).
  • Add targeted industry-specific hashtags (3 hashtags).
  • Add industry-specific keywords (3 keywords).
  • Guidance on using this platform on a regular basis for sharing industry news and producing useful content.
  • A tailored SEO strategy to rank higher in the LinkedIn search algorithm.
  • Design a basic LinkedIn banner that sets the tone of your profile and its purpose for your visitors.

Benefits of using our LinkedIn Optimize Services

  • Understanding your current profile through our LinkedIn profile review and audit.
  • LinkedIn profile content is optimized in the most effective way.
  • Make your potential recruiters/employers come to you.
  • Grow your industry-focused professional network.
  • An increase in LinkedIn traffic by including industry-relevant keywords and hashtags,
  • Improved rankings in the LinkedIn Search Algorithm.
  • Open doors to unlimited job opportunities.
  • It boosts your credibility and gets you more connections.
  • A professional-looking profile that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Timeline for this service

  • The delivery time for the optimization takes about 7–10 business days.

Wondering if this LinkedIn package is right for you? The answer is yes,

  • If you already have an existing LinkedIn profile and want to achieve niche-oriented bigger goals.
  • If you just had your captain build you a new LinkedIn profile and want to take the next step in optimizing the profile for better reach.

Happy LinkedIn-ing, Voyagers! ♡


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