Choosing The Right Internet

Your choice of internet is important.

As a person living in 2022, the internet is a part of pretty much EVERYTHING! So your internet choice will be important.

Living on campus or with a host family

If you choose to live on campus or with a host family, they will most likely already have internet for you to use. Even the coffee shops and many public places have free wifi or internet connections.

Setting up in a new place

If you are setting up in a new place, you may have to set up your internet account. There are many options out there and it can be confusing if you do not know what you are looking for or if you do not know what you need. Here are a few options to look at. Please always do your research in your local area. Shopping locally can often get you the best deals!

Every internet provider will have seasonal deals and promotions

Every internet provider will have seasonal deals and promotions, so always shop around and ask for deals! Sometimes calling a company and being very nice can get you great offers. There is no harm in being kind and asking. 

            The following list of links can get you started. Remember to compare offers and your needs. If you like streaming a lot of gaming for fun, or have multiple devices connected, you may have different needs:

●      Bell

●      VirginPLUS

●      FIDO

●      EastLink

●      SunWire