Education Consulting

Voyagers, finding the right major at the right university is a very important step that sets you for the future. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. From helping you find the major and university that best fits you to getting you all settled up in your school dorm after your orientation. Your Canadian Education Dream is easier to fulfill with the help of your Captains. 

The road to your dream education

Preliminary Consultation

During the preliminary consultation, we will have a one-on-one with each individual student to better under

School selection plan

When moving, one of the scariest parts is finding a place to live. However, there are some options that can reduce this worry.

Guidance with application essays

Having a bank account is very important, and it can be very confusing and difficult at times if you do not have all the required documents and information to open up a bank account. So we are here to help you!

Guidance on standardized test planning

As a person living in 2022, the internet is a part of pretty much everything! So your internet choice will be important. 

Visa Counseling

As a person living in 2022, the internet is a part of pretty much everything! So your internet choice will be important. 

Developing an application strategy

Getting a Canadian phone number is an important step. There are some great options to start looking to get a SIM card even before coming to Canada.

Visit the selected schools

When moving, one of the scariest parts is finding a place to live. However, there are some options that can reduce this worry.

Background enhancement

Having a bank account is very important, and it can be very confusing and difficult at times if you do not have all the required documents and information to open up a bank account. So we are here to help you!

Interview Guidance

As a person living in 2022, the internet is a part of pretty much everything! So your internet choice will be important. 

Communicate with the school(s)

As a person living in 2022, the internet is a part of pretty much everything! So your internet choice will be important. 

Your ideal education awaits!

Submit your interests today!

Want to start doing internships or volunteering? Leave your details and one of your favorite Captains will contact you!