Finding The Right Accommodation

When moving, one of the scariest parts is finding a place to live. However, some options can reduce this worry. 

School’s International Student Services/Office

One of the first steps as an international student to take is to contact your school of choice. Each school, more often than not, has an international student service or office. They are there to assist in all aspects of the process of attending their school. They will often have local resources and connections to assist in finding living accommodations. 

These services can also put you in contact with other international students coming to the school or that are already attending. These students can give invaluable information and advice for the entire process of moving to Canada.

For more information specific to your school of choice, see the school’s website or call your school directly.

School Residence

Each postsecondary institution should have its residence options for students. This can sometimes be competitive to obtain, and can often be expensive, especially for international students. However, they do have their benefits; on-campus locations, access to 24hr security, and assistance. It is often easier to make friends and participate in classmate bonding activities!

Each school is different and contacting your specific school is important. Some schools have specific housing options for international students, so it is worth investigating. Always remember to keep your budget in mind and weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision 

Roommate Finding Apps

We live in a very tech-rich world, and there are now apps for your smart devices to help you with almost everything you can think of. One of these things includes finding roommates. 

These apps work like online dating, however, instead of finding love, it helps you find a roommate! There are many to choose from. Some of these include, but are not limited to:


FaceBook Marketplace / Kijiji

A lot of individuals make postings on local marketplaces for places available for rent. This can sometimes be difficult if you are not yet in Canada. It can also be expensive, depending on the renter and the location. Making sure you are in your budget is important. Living alone can seem ideal for some, so this can be an option. 

If you plan on making more permanent living arrangements down the line and just need somewhere to stay temporarily, subletting a room or place for a short term can also be a beneficial option for you. This often gives you a fully furnished place to stay so it is less to worry about when you first arrive. 

Always compare and weigh pros and cons

Please, always compare and weigh pros and cons before making a decision. It is possible to make accommodation changes once you have been established in Canada for a while. Living arrangements can change and the first decision you make does not have to be the only choice.